Design The Life You Want Challenge
You can post about how your #30DayChallnge is going by tagging @theroompsy on Instagram or by using the hashtag #TheGreenSpace30DC ! Good luck!
You’ve heard of #GoSoberForOctober, #DryJanuary and various other monthly-bound challenges centring around abstinence from various substances or behaviours; be it for religious reasons, for charity, or just as your own personal challenge. These different challenges or personal, purposeful sacrifices, all appear to have a similar principle – giving something up so to glean greater appreciation for something simple, yet incredibly important.
For example, Sober for October encourages people to give up alcohol, so to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support. During the month of Ramadan, Muslims do not eat or drink during daylight hours, so to teach self-discipline and remind themselves of the suffering of the poor. Successful books, such as ‘The 30 Day Challenge Book – 500 Ideas To Inspire Your Life’, promote an array of challenges such as giving up TV, quitting smoking, cutting out caffeine etc. to improve health and wellbeing. The list goes on and on.
All these challenges differ in regards to their purpose and scope – but they all have a similar theme. Giving up something, for something. Therefore, this month is about flipping this and focusing on a challenge where you can instead ADD something to your life and routine, so to advance yourself and gain appreciation, without having to subtract anything. Furthermore, instead of featuring one flat rule to follow (e.g. don’t eat a type of food or do something for X amount of time), or having a different mini activity to follow each day – this challenge allows you to design your own challenge to dip in and out of for the rest of this year.
A well-circulated internet quote says that we should engage in 3 different hobbies in order to succeed and be happy: One to keep you in shape, one to make you money, and one to keep you creative.
Source: Pinterest
Seems simple and effective enough. So, let’s get it cracking!
Using the following template (or by creating your own!), write down a goal to do with your health, to do with fuelling your creativity, and to help you with your bank balance. You can see the example below of how to fill these sheets in, how to set your targets, and even map your progress so to direct you towards your own unique desired outcome.
Want to set targets and goals for wider aspects of your life? Download our free template pages below to make your own.
You are the creator and designer of your own life. Make it beautiful.
Please note, downloads may not be viewable via mobile. Download via desktop for the full version.